Life is movement; forward movement. On this journey, I alternately trudge, walk, stumble, march and dance. It is to the dance that I devote my work. Occasionally literally, but always figuratively, I strive to express the sense of celebration present in Liila - the dance of life. How I wish I could make my paintings dance - or sing the song of Paul Winter's sax! To this end I aim my journey - to dance Liila, and to express it in my work. -January 1989

Some things don't change... Twenty years later, my mission is the same. My work is a prayer of gratitude.

The top ten things that have affected me as an artist - besides my belief system - listed in a sort of chronological order:

I sure wish I had said Top Eleven or twelve so that I could have included our travels - especially Maine. It sure has influenced my work... but I said Ten, so... I won't mention Biddeford Pool, the ocean and salt marsh, the rocks and waves, the lighthouse, seagulls, biking or Ben and Jerry's. Or Italy, France or England... or the Master's like Chuck Close, Keith Harding, Georgia O'Keeffe, Matisse, Monet,...

In gratitude, I dedicate my work to my blessings...